Just remembered that you are using ZB Block, with default rules it will block osclass internal cron (just as it blocks wp cron).
Check your killed_log.txt for something like this:
#: 1 @: Thu, 03 Nov 2016 15:00:00
Host: ...
Score: 2
Violation count: 1 BANNED
Why blocked: Hosting company (A.B.C.D address/ASN). Possibly hostile scraper/harvester, signature may interfere with some Wordpress installs (SPD-0087).
Query: page=cron
User Agent: Wget/1.15 (linux-gnu)
Reconstructed URL: http:// mywebsite.com /index.php?page=cron
You will need to add into customsig a bypass rule in that case, for example:
// IP address White List Array
$whiteListIPs = array('localhost', '::1', '', 'A.B.C.D'); // where A.B.C.D is IPv4 address of your server/website
// ZB Block Osclass Cron Bypass
if ((in_array($address, $whiteListIPs)) && (inmatch($query,'page=cron', ''))) {$ax -= 1; $whyblockout = $whyblockout . Osclass Cron Bypass”;}
This will lower score for -1, but if you also block your own hosting company (above example with score = 2), you will need to bypass it as well in order to make this rule fully effective. I cannot know that part unless you confirm from your logs any findings.