I have osclass last version, paypalplus_1.0.5 and promo codes, and spain theme.
I have probleme with my featured ads. I add free ads and i want to make featured. I used a code named free with 500 Euro amount. I write "free" and he tell me that my balance has 500 euro. This is ok, but the probleme is : if i want to make premium my ads, it show me the paypal button to pay 2 euro if i want to make it premium. If i go to my balance (i add a little code in my user dashboard to show my balance) it show me 0 Euro. Promo code dont add money in my balance.
And anither probleme with promo codes. In my admin i add 5 times can used an code, but if i used one time, then he tell me: Error: Sorry you have already redeemed this code
Someone can help me please? I need urgently and i don't know what to do. I', from Romania.