I have made a plugin, mainly for this topic:
It allows users to select a theme they want to use. It requires the user to be logged in and then it saves a theme name selected from select box in the database.
However, there's a big problem and that's why I would love if someone may help me.
The plugin doesn't work for some themes. I have tested Violet, Veronika, Gum, Osclass Wizards, Bender, Modern, Benny, India Classifieds and only
Veronika and
Modern worked.
Using the other themes gave me errors - themename_add_body_class is not defined.
The plugin is attached below, depending on your themes, it may work great. Please firstly test it on a local server, don't use it on a live website as it may crash it if themes are not supported.
Use <?php themechooser_form(); ?> to show a selector for themes.
Any testing and support will be appreciated.