Okay, I have installed this super duper plugin, and it works fine.
I am using bender black and osclass 3.1.2 and I am sure it will work with osclass 3.2.
The only thing I am not sure if I did wrong or not is, I inserted a link to a page, and when clicked in the newsletter, it did not retain the full path.
I inserted these links:
Link 1:
But when emailed, the html shows the link was changed to:
Link 1:
Link 2:
So of course, when a person clicks it, the page cannot be found.
I used the Tiny MCE chain icon to insert those links, and copied and pasted them from the address bar, in their entirety starting from "http://".
Besides that, I wanted to tell you that all these things worked for me:
1. Tiny Mce functions, all work fantastic and all the formatting was retained.
3. The email went to about 400 people and it took about 3 minutes to arrive in my box.
Attached is a screenshot of the arrived newsletter
Thank you so much for this, to me this is an essential marketing and communication tool.