in plugins folder/cars atributes/ item_edit.php add new row
<div class="row _20">
if( Session::newInstance()->_getForm('pc_abs') != '' ) {
$detail['b_abs'] = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('pc_abs');
<input type="checkbox" name="abs" id="ABS" value="1" <?php if(@$detail['b_abs'] == 1) { echo 'checked="Yes"'; } ?> /> <label><?php _e('ABS', 'cars_attributes'); ?></label>
in item_detail.php add this row
<?php } ?>
<td><?php _e('<strong>ABS</strong>', 'cars_attributes'); ?>: </td>
<td><?php echo @$detail['b_abs'] ? '<strong>' . __('Yes', 'cars_attributes') . '</strong>' : __('No', 'cars_attributes'); ?></td>
all is in plugin folder you can copies codes and change option abs, eds ect.... every change first item_edit.php and also item_detail.php in cars atributes plugin folder