No plugin that I know of.
The problem is the title of the photo is stripped when resized. (If it even had one)
What you could do is display item description or item title at the bottom or top of the photo.
Here is a very simple example using Fancybox.
Edit oc-content/themes/your_theme/item.php around line 187 find:
<a href="<?php echo osc_resource_url(); ?>" rel="image_group" title="<?php _e('Image', 'modern'); ?> <?php echo $i+1;?> / <?php echo osc_count_item_resources();?>">
Change to:
<a href="<?php echo osc_resource_url(); ?>" rel="image_group" title="<?php echo osc_item_description(); ?> <?php echo $i+1;?> / <?php echo osc_count_item_resources();?>">
Add some style in the head of the page:
.fancybox-title {
color: #fff;
background: #000;
opacity: .9;
height: 75px;
margin-top: 0;
That's it. Now when you select the photo Fancybox will display the item description.
I know that's not exactly what you want but may get you started.