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Development / Re: a new version "fork" of Osclass
« Last post by WEBmods on Today at 07:12:11 pm »
Ask him on his repo It would be great if we can merge your repo with his as we need one version, not 100 of them. It's up to you, however.

Functions have been added directly to the kernel without plugin - what does this mean? Which functions?

Development / Re: a new version "fork" of Osclass
« Last post by grisbi on Today at 06:49:38 pm »
Ok ,
I do not know this version of @navjottomer . can we have a list of changes from the basic osclass version

Thank you

in my version
Functions have been added directly to the kernel without plugin
New custom fields have also been added (interval, min, max)
Other functions are coming
At the same time, a more adapted theme will be realized

  All helpers will be welcome
Development / Re: Custom field search
« Last post by marius-ciclistu on Today at 06:12:27 pm »
are you shure that the custom field is stored in db exactly as you wrote it? I mean  "word1 word2" ?
The cript does just that. If the value of the custom field is "word1 word2" it should work. If the name is word 1 and the valie word 2  it will not work.
Development / Re: a new version "fork" of Osclass
« Last post by WEBmods on Today at 05:19:54 pm »

Osclass is open-source so you can do anything with it. Even sell it...

Can you please check this topic - I suggest you rather contribute to a very modified version by @navjottomer.

Development / a new version "fork" of Osclass
« Last post by grisbi on Today at 04:40:00 pm »
My plan is to create a "fork" of Osclass

Do I need an authorization?

I did a small part of a first beta should be ready by the end of August or a little before

any welcome help
Themes / Bitfinder theme don´t install
« Last post by Jhurtado on Today at 12:25:39 pm »
I buy Bitfinder theme. Since manage theme does not upload, if I upload it manually, it appears in the list of topics, but it is not possible to activate it, as the button "Activate" does not appear
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by WEBmods on Today at 11:10:28 am »
I would like to go with navjottamer.

iam in osclass since 2013. osclass is very good cms for classified website. and it was open source, plugins and themes was free.
but some users want advance themes. and they hired from this forum.

that time osclass team considerate on osclass core updates.
after they findout there is lot of transection going on the forum. thay want to take over.
they ban or controlled to sell. they forced to list on osclass market they need 30%.
they not allow us to do pm in form.
when they see the money they forget about the osclass. and they were busy increating own themes and plugins, improve the maket, distribute the payments.
Also they advertised thir own products as "Made by osclass team" which is dump others.  many of good developers (Madhouse, teseo, frostick, drizzlethemes)leaves. i have submit many improvements idea in gihub. they created a for it. id dont know where it goes now.

simply there is no osclass team. there is a single man behind it. the team was destroyed when the market came. maybe share issue.

 PACKAGES in the market, it so annoying first two pages full of packages no individual product. how can people buy? and they take over the demo of products. whey the dump with default things. and own ads to earn who will buy a theme if there is a demo like this.

now tell me who is the reason?

I agree with you about @navjot. I want to see what @Web-Media will say as they also have a very modified version.

It's interesting that they wanted money so much, that it killed them, and in the end they didn't have enough...

Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by fre2mansur on Today at 08:16:03 am »
I would like to go with navjottamer.

iam in osclass since 2013. osclass is very good cms for classified website. and it was open source, plugins and themes was free.
but some users want advance themes. and they hired from this forum.

that time osclass team considerate on osclass core updates.
after they findout there is lot of transection going on the forum. thay want to take over.
they ban or controlled to sell. they forced to list on osclass market they need 30%.
they not allow us to do pm in form.
when they see the money they forget about the osclass. and they were busy increating own themes and plugins, improve the maket, distribute the payments.
Also they advertised thir own products as "Made by osclass team" which is dump others.  many of good developers (Madhouse, teseo, frostick, drizzlethemes)leaves. i have submit many improvements idea in gihub. they created a for it. id dont know where it goes now.

simply there is no osclass team. there is a single man behind it. the team was destroyed when the market came. maybe share issue.

 PACKAGES in the market, it so annoying first two pages full of packages no individual product. how can people buy? and they take over the demo of products. whey the dump with default things. and own ads to earn who will buy a theme if there is a demo like this.

now tell me who is the reason?
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by WEBmods on Today at 03:34:46 am »
If you have any suggestions of find bugs, post an Issue on his GitHub repo.

Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by Dimal on Today at 02:45:52 am »

I'm not a programmer or developer. Right now i'm uploading the version of Navjot Tomer's github, to check how it goes.

I'm uploading it in a demo site that runs 3.8 with plugins.

So here is a first step. Where can we post our findings ? Github ?

I wrote above that "everyone wants the glory". I want to explain what i mean, so people do not take it wrong. There was a question from me about Navjot Tomer's mod at github, if anybody saw that and if it is ok. The reply i got, was that it is ok, since most of the changes Navjot Tomer did were either reported/fixed here or at Osclass github.

Now, again i'm not a programmer, but i'm not BLIND also. The changes Navjot Tomer did, were HUGE. Where are the reports and fixes posted here ? I searched, found zero. Also not at Osclass github. A neglected area there.

So what i already understand is that Navjot Tomer's work is under estimated.

If this project SPLIT in 10 different devs, it will be dead for sure.


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