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Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by Dis on August 08, 2019, 03:15:58 am »
I hope this will not continue and all focus will again be on osclass.
That would be great. But it is hard to believe in it.
General help / Re: Osclass permalinks with nginx and ispconfig
« Last post by navjottomer on August 08, 2019, 02:42:14 am »
Code: [Select]
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
This always worked with me and my clients. I hope it will work on yours too.
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by navjottomer on August 08, 2019, 02:35:31 am »
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business.
Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
Thanks for the info. But I am still confused, will this project move further bypassing the osclass market thing? In the last 1-2 year, nothing really happened with the core osclass script, I hope this will not continue and all focus will again be on osclass.
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by navjottomer on August 08, 2019, 02:29:19 am »
I agree with you. I offered them the help and I originally maintained that fork for the same reason but seeing that they are not entertaining any existing pull request from a long time and I stopped there.
I still do maintain a customised copy of osclass for my website for which I initially started to use osclass.
General help / Re: Osclass market closing
« Last post by cartagena68 on August 08, 2019, 02:27:01 am »
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business.
Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by cartagena68 on August 08, 2019, 02:25:43 am »
We would like to thank you for your effort and the trust you put in this project throughout the years. Unfortunately, we have not been able to turn this venture into a profitable business.
Osclass, as a free software project, will be accessible and open to everyone as before, so we encourage you to continue developing plugins and themes for all of the users who still rely on our script.
General help / Osclass permalinks with nginx and ispconfig
« Last post by urmitnick on August 08, 2019, 02:20:47 am »
Hi everyone,

I know that Osclass permalinks issues with nginx was discussed several times, since the first days of osclass. But the problem is still occuring for many people without a definitive solution from  osclass devs.

I've tried all the suggested solution in topics from 2012 till now. And what I discovered is that some solutions may work with some themes and sometimes some pages but not others!! e.g.:

Code: [Select]
location / {try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;}

Adding this directive to my nginx virtualhost, make all my site with bender theme works except that when I click publish when adding ads, and  when I click on a subcategories I get 404 error, same thing with search.

But this directive doesn't work with sakela theme (which is my main theme): 404 error for most pages and 500 error for login page!

While adding this directive, makes sakela theme work (not with bender) but still having some errors.

Code: [Select]
location / {
index index.php index.html index.htm;
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/index.php") {
header("Location: /",TRUE,301);

Current issues with this code: error 404 when accessing subcategories, clicking publish, accessing the newly added ad (after error 404), search page....

Any ideas and solutions??

Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by dev101 on August 08, 2019, 02:11:38 am »
@ navjottomer

In my opinion, all those forks (there were at least one or two more) were doomed in a way right from the start, as long as the official one is/was present. I, for one, never wanted to invest a limited time to some other forks I wasn't sure they'll live. I've made some minor PRs in the meantime to the official one.

On the other side, once and if this transition happens, e.g. Osclass Team adds other devs to the project with ownership right, so that they can make PRs and merge them directly into, we can then start maintaining it forward. I wonder why there was never an open question for help, I also wanted few times to offer help (for free), when I was most active, yet... I did not. And it was never asked.

In any case, hopefully it will be all clear in a day or two.
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by WEBmods on August 08, 2019, 02:06:39 am »
I hope that closing down thing will only be limited to osclass market and not all osclass community. Btw I have also maintained a separate forked osclass repo at I have done lots of work on this in past but due to not that much response from the community, I stalled it further. I request all other devs to merge their project or add a pull request if they are interested. Together we can make this situation better.

Interesting... This situation may make us stronger, and Osclass better.
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by navjottomer on August 08, 2019, 02:03:32 am »
I hope that closing down thing will only be limited to osclass market and not all osclass community. Btw I have also maintained a separate forked osclass repo at I have done lots of work on this in past but due to not that much response from the community, I stalled it further. I request all other devs to merge their project or add a pull request if they are interested. Together we can make this situation better.
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