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Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by buninsan on August 08, 2019, 12:23:50 pm »
Sorry for my English.
Anyone can get sick, abyss, die.
Therefore, we need a team, only in this case we can count on the fact that the project will not die.
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by safeacid on August 08, 2019, 12:19:14 pm »
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...

The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?


I guess, a site similar to what Wordpress had structured would be a simple solution without much of a hassle. Please have a look at the following:

This way users can be directed straight to developers' sites to download free/paid themes and plugins.

are your offer to do all in WP?
what is size of all free plugins and themes?
i have good VPS and nice domain name

Development / Re: display all ads from a user
« Last post by grisbi on August 08, 2019, 12:18:58 pm »
I found the solution

in the file item-sidebar.php

Code: [Select]
<?php if( osc_item_user_id() != null ) { ?>
        <p class="name"><?php _e('Name''bender'?>: <a href="<?php echo osc_user_public_profile_urlosc_item_user_id() ); ?>" ><?php echo osc_item_contact_name(); ?></a></p>
    <?php } else { ?>
        <p class="name"><?php printf(__('Name: %s''bender'), osc_item_contact_name()); ?></p>
    <?php ?>
By :
Code: [Select]
    <?php if( osc_item_user_id() != null ) { ?>
    <p class="name"><?php _e('Name''bender'?><?php echo osc_item_contact_name(); ?></a></p>
        <p class=""><a href="<?php echo osc_user_public_profile_urlosc_item_user_id() ); ?>" ><?php _e('See all ads''bender'); ?></a></p>
    <?php } else { ?>
        <p class="name"><?php printf(__('Name: %s''bender'), osc_item_contact_name()); ?></p>
    <?php ?>

it is for the theme "Bender" adapt it for your theme
Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by WEBmods on August 08, 2019, 12:02:34 pm »
I will be using osclass for the rest of my life, i'll always be here to support it as much as i can with whoever continues it.

count me in

Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by WEBmods on August 08, 2019, 11:59:27 am »
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...

The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?


I guess, a site similar to what Wordpress had structured would be a simple solution without much of a hassle. Please have a look at the following:

This way users can be directed straight to developers' sites to download free/paid themes and plugins.


Yes, something like that. I already have free plugins and themes hosted so I can just put links to them...

@Resta asked what do I need from all you...

Depending on the site visits, I would maybe need a better hosting than my VPS (which hosts one site currently). Maybe some of you people has a hosting company?
I can pay for the domain (let's see what will happen with osclass domains) - we can pick one together.
Development - I am looking at a simple Osclass site - just adding some more fields at registration and ad post.
Moderators - this is where a lot of people can contribute. I give you a moderator account (I guess admin too) so you check for spam etc. when you have time.

Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by joecoolll on August 08, 2019, 11:52:14 am »
I will be using osclass for the rest of my life, i'll always be here to support it as much as i can with whoever continues it.

count me in

Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by BritWeb on August 08, 2019, 11:50:12 am »
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...

The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?


I guess, a site similar to what Wordpress had structured would be a simple solution without much of a hassle. Please have a look at the following:

This way users can be directed straight to developers' sites to download free/paid themes and plugins.

Development / Re: Stop ‘Osclass Project’ dying
« Last post by WEBmods on August 08, 2019, 11:04:49 am »
@Resta, we we will wait if Osclass will give us more details.
If I actually start a Market, it won't be like Osclass one in terms of paying and payouts. All buyers would add a Paypal button and handle the transactions. The Market would just be a list of all products...

The idea about paid plugins is great, but many developers are not active anymore and won't reply. What do others think?

Plugins / Re: [IMPORTANT] Backup of all free content from Market
« Last post by Abhi on August 08, 2019, 10:07:14 am »
Great Brother. I am not happy that osclass project is closing but everything has an end.
General help / Re: Osclass permalinks with nginx and ispconfig
« Last post by urmitnick on August 08, 2019, 04:19:06 am »
Code: [Select]
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
This always worked with me and my clients. I hope it will work on yours too.

Thank you for your answer, but it gives me the same errors as directives I've used.
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