These are the things I didn't like about the way OSClass handles locations:
- It should be possible to hide the Country drop-down menu if the website only targets a specific country (= set a country as default)
- It's too long to manually enter all the hundreds of missing villages names
- Regions and cities names for my country where not in the correct language
- In a way or another, the location should be requested upon register or right after it, otherwise people can think they have to enter their address every time they create an ad. Few of them may think about setting it up in their profile. Personnally, I've added a message below Address in item-post.php to recommend that they provide an address in their profile and I hide it if an address exists
A cool improvement would be to display a Google Map in item-post.php and, even better, refresh it as people type their address (à la Open Classifieds)
Altogether, I'm wondering if it would be possible to leave only the Address field in both item-post.php and user-profile.php and recover the Google Maps data to automatically insert Country, Region, City in OSClass db. There would be no risk that people enter places that don't exist, as the would see their location on the Google Map