
Author Topic: Multiple language choice as a variable or as a URL rewrite  (Read 1681 times)


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Multiple language choice as a variable or as a URL rewrite
« on: September 10, 2012, 04:19:28 pm »
As far as I can understand after using OSClass for about two months, the OSClass does not really support SEO for several languages.

A site running OSClass with several languages has the same URL for all installed languages and also the same URL for all ads that are posted in several languages. Thus Google will not be able to index the site properly in several languages.

As far as I can see there are two solutions to this:

1: Implement language choice as a variable in the URL:
All items and all pages should inherit the language-variable so that Google can index every page in the site.
(this solution is implemented as a plugin in Wordpress and works perfectly for another site that I am running.)

2: Add a language rewrite tag for every page and every item in the installation. for example something like:

This way those of us who are running OSClass sites with multiple languages would be able to increase our traffic drastically with more organic searches from Google.

This would be a Giant Leap for OSClass flexibility, and also solves a similar problem that I posted about earlier which is the language landing page for multi language sites. The way OSClass works today there is no way of sending a link to friend or posting a link to Facebook in a specific language. Trying to publish the link on Facebook for example will only send the one who clicks to the link back to Facebook.

Best regards
