first i`am really sorry but my english is verry bad ..
i hope you will understand what i`am writing here

. i`am an dummy (not an programmer) in PHP ect.
I have tested Osclass and many different PlugIns - made & modified translations ect.
OSCLASS is really great ...
thank you for this CMS Plattform.
Now i try to explain my wishes for the REAL ESTATE PLUGIN ..
It will be great to have an 1. EASY-STAR-VOTING Plugin for
each Holiday Property .
2. an calender booking for the Advertiser and calender view for Visitors.
3. an translation API for languages - if the Advertiser didn`t announce i.e. in Spanish only in english .. ther sould be something like "Autotranslated by ***** " TEXT " in spanish , german ect.
with these Options OSCLASS ist perfect for Me....
Thank you