You can input adverts:
Under looks menu(first one under items/ads, the 4th from up ->down -Theme settings
You can input widgest:
Under looks menu(first one under items/ads, the 4th from up ->down - Widgets.
lets say in the header, so it rotates?
If you want to add more widgests, make them in some .php files placed into your theme folder, and include them into main.php, item.php etc.
I'm not shure what you mean by rotate..
If you want to say that you want banner1.php and banner2.php and banner3.php to show randomlly into the header you can relate to :
<?php include ('banner' . rand(1,3). '.php');?>
If you want to show them in relation with the category name for example, you can conditionate with
osc_category_name($locale = "") - Gets the name of the current category