I really like the Ctg-Classified theme and this is more of a tip to unanswered for this when in the Admin on this theme. If you are like me and don't want to use Google AdSense, but would rather use your own banner ads. Here is what worked for me:
Just login to your Admin with this theme installed and go to: Appearance >> Theme Settings >> Ads management. This is where you put in the Google Adsense code. But instead I used the following. Please note, most of the ad banner ads need to be 728px wide X 90px height. Except the side banner ad, which will need to be 300px wide X 250px height. Either save the banner ad to a directory on your sight named "ads", or use the URL the advertiser gives you for the ad:
For the 728px X 90px banners, use this:
<div style="width:100%; height:90px;" class="text-center"><a href="http://DomainNameToClickTo.com/DesiredPage.htm" target="_blank"><img src="http://DomainNameToAdImage.com/[b]ads[/b]/BannerAdImage.png" width="728" height="90" border="0" /></a></div>
For the 300px X 250px banners, use this:
<div style="width:100%; height:250px;" class="text-center"><a href="http://DomainNameToClickTo.com/DesiredPage.htm" target="_blank"><img src="http://DomainNameToAdImage.com/[b]ads[/b]/BannerAdImage.png" width="300" height="250" border="0" /></a></div>
AND, if you want to add more then one side banner ad, you can stack them like this:
<div style="width:100%; height:250px;" class="text-center"><a href="http://DomainNameToClickTo.com/DesiredPage.htm" target="_blank"><img src="http://DomainNameToAdImage.com/[b]ads[/b]/BannerAdImage.png" width="300" height="250" border="0" /></a></div>
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<div style="width:100%; height:250px;" class="text-center"><a href="http://DomainNameToClickTo.com/DesiredPage.htm" target="_blank"><img src="http://DomainNameToAdImage.com/[b]ads[/b]/BannerAdImage.png" width="300" height="250" border="0" /></a></div>