You seem to keep your promises, @lasse...
You're welcome.
Would you consider to change the name of this thread to something like "Translation for DATE and DATEINTERVAL custom fields [SOLVED]" so it could be useful to other fellows in the same situation? Thanks.
I think that the key error here is the se-SE, it should be written with underscore se_SE.
Yes, @dev101, a typo of mine. As I know you're working along with the Osclass developers, I think I should note here that seems translations of these DATE and DATEINTERVAL should be managed by default by
osc_item_meta_value() in hItems.php. The code is there, but looks like the returned results are no the desired ones.
For instance, for DATE type, this:
return htmlentities( date(osc_date_format(), $value), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
returns formatted correct date, but in english.
return osc_format_date(date("Y-m-d", $value));
would return formatted correct date in the active language.
If you deem worthy of it to study this issue and propose changes in GitHub, I would be most grateful, unfortunately my scarce free time I spend it this way, here on the forum. Thanks in advance.