Hi skr678
This is full resizeTo code.
$fill is to remove whitespace.
$upscale is to allow to resize if image source is smaller.
But I don't think you want to use this whole code. Just cut the code that you don't want to use.
public function resizeTo($width, $height, $upscale = true, $fill = true) {
if (osc_use_imagick()) {
if ($fill) {
$geometry = $this->im->getImageGeometry();
$w = $geometry['width'];
$h = $geometry['height'];
if($upscale or (($w > $width) and ($h > $height))) {
if (($w / $width) < ($h / $height)) {
$this->im->cropImage($w, floor($height * $w / $width), 0, (($h - ($height * $w / $width)) / 4));
} else {
$this->im->cropImage(ceil($width * $h / $height), $h, (($w - ($width * $h / $height)) / 2), 0);
$this->im->ThumbnailImage($width, $height, true);
} else {
$newW = ($w > $width) ? $width : $w;
$newH = ($h > $height) ? $height : $h;
if (($w / $width) < ($h / $height)) {
$cropedW = $w;
$cropedH = ($w > $width) ? ceil($w * $height / $width) : $newH;
} else {
$cropedH = $h;
$cropedW = ($h > $height) ? ceil($h * $width / $height) : $newW;
$offsetx = ($w - $cropedW) / 2;
$offsety = ($h - $cropedH) / 4;
$this->im->cropImage($cropedW, $cropedH, $offsetx, $offsety);
$bg = new Imagick();
$bg->newImage($width, $height, 'white');
$x = ceil($width - $newW) / 2;
$y = ceil($height - $newH) / 2;
$bg->compositeImage($this->im, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y);
$this->im = $bg;
} else {
$bg = new Imagick();
$bg->newImage($width, $height, 'white');
$geometry = $this->im->getImageGeometry();
if ($upscale or ($geometry['width'] > $width) or ($geometry['height'] > $height)) {
$this->im->thumbnailImage($width, $height, true);
$geometry = $this->im->getImageGeometry();
$x = ceil($width - $geometry['width']) / 2;
$y = ceil($height - $geometry['height']) / 2;
$bg->compositeImage($this->im, imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y);
$this->im = $bg;
} else {
$w = imagesx($this->im);
$h = imagesy($this->im);
if ($fill) {
if($upscale) {
$newW = $width;
$newH = $height;
} else {
$newW = ($w > $width) ? $width : $w;
$newH = ($h > $height) ? $height : $h;
if (($w / $h) < ($width / $height)) {
$cropedW = $w;
$cropedH = ceil($w * $height / $width);
} else {
$cropedH = ($w > $width) ? ceil($w * $height / $width) : $newH;
$offsetx = 0;
$offsety = ($h - $cropedH) / 4;
} else {
$cropedH = $h;
$cropedW = ceil($h * $width / $height);
} else {
$cropedW = ($h > $height) ? ceil($h * $width / $height) : $newW;
$offsetx = ($w - $cropedW) / 2;
$offsety = 0;
} else {
if(($w/$h)>=($width/$height)) {
if($upscale){ $newW = $width; } else { $newW = ($w > $width)? $width : $w; };
$newH = ceil($h * ($newW / $w));
} else {
if($upscale) { $newH = $height; } else { $newH = ($h > $height)? $height : $h; };
$newW = ceil($w * ($newH / $h));
$cropedW = $w;
$cropedH = $h;
$offsetx = 0;
$offsety = 0;
$newIm = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagealphablending($newIm, false);
$colorTransparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($newIm, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefill($newIm, 0, 0, $colorTransparent);
imagesavealpha($newIm, true);
imagecopyresampled($newIm, $this->im, floor(($width - $newW) / 2), floor(($height - $newH) / 2), $offsetx, $offsety, $newW, $newH, $cropedW, $cropedH);
$this->im = $newIm;
return $this;