@osclass Why are you not contribute the laith's free plugin, you can fix and upload it market why you restrict the free plugin if it has some bugs, or allow as share plugins on this forum so we can contribute the free plugins.
Oh, we DO contribute, we review them, we tell the author the issues we found and how to solve them (in some cases), we tell them ideas or improvements we think the developer could include in their plugins or themes, even sometimes, we send the fix to the author.
But there are other reasons:
- That a plugin (or theme) is free or open source doesn't mean you could modify and redistribute it. Most plugins doesn't include a free or open source license (apache, lgpl, gpl, mit, bsd,...) so we (and you) are not authorized to modify and/or redistribute the plugins (or themes). (In this case, none of Liath's plugins carry a license).
- It takes a huge amount of time to understand
what a plugin does and
how it does it, so why not contact the author about the issue and let him fix it? It should be easier for him
- There's the "fork" problem. Someone release a plugin, we "fix" it or way, but later the original author release another fix, you now have two plugins that are almost equal, which one should you use? (Think of this like openoffice vs libreoffice for example)
- Sometimes, we do not share the vision/objective of the author or think that other things are more important. For example a plugin that could be made using custom fields
- Sometimes, we already offer the functionality of said plugins via our own plugins, the core or other people's plugins. Like Liath's "vote and review" plugin that was copied from our plugin "rating" (not cool), or "jQuery Wysiwyg editor" which is a similar idea to our "rich edit" plugin
We had limited resources and time, we could not "fix" every plugin we review (in some cases, plugins submitted to review don't even install).