Hi here is the list of what i need and couldn't fix since two months using the forum no one really help
too bad because osclass can't grow up in this case/
1: SPAMMER can post on the forum because there is nothing to check from where is the IP address of the poster
2: On ITEM LOCATION when we post there is no obligation to give our Region or city etc..
3: On item location i don;t need the CITY area
4: that will be great to have the list of City as a menu scroll
5: for country i like that it was directly AUSTRALIA selected
6: multi photo upload will be great
7: Offer Button doesn't plugin doesn't work
8: Picture Director plugin doesn't work
9: Extra feeds plugin doesn't work
10: Location required plugin doesn't work
11: Real state attributes plugin doesn't work
12: Hit Counter plugin doesn't work
13: Carousel for Osclass plugin doesn't work
14: I'd like to have a plugin who detect the user browser language and turn the whole site into is own language and have a menu flag to let them choice the language.
15: I'd like a motion captcha plugin (be allowed to add photos and text related to the photo of anything i want then ask the user to say what he can see on the screen captcha before posting his ads.
16: I like to have a CHAT plugin, user in the global page (EN) access to the chat (EN) if the user is thai he will see the thai chat
17: let choice user to post ads only on there language or also to the global or selected language.
Guy even if someone want to be pay i will pay i really need help here really