Hi Osclass friends ...1.)
@Eric write
>>NO additions, just making sure the theme/plugin works OOB 100% with OSC 3.3.2This is the pure (
and correct) testing form, - and I,ll support it 100%
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I just bought the name Osclass for my country, *
NOTE READ CAREFULLY LATER * what I do with the name
and also bought a reasonable fast server space for it
(same server-provider where I know Osclass run perfect)
Medio-Late next week, I have put a completely raw Osclass 3.3.2 up - with the build in bender
Then I set up five FTP entries - and five Admin entries - to a start -
if more needed - we raise
And then we start serious testing, in the hope of:
#1 Get a flawless running osclass
#2 Get a flawless running bender & modern theme
#3 Get a flawless basics language translation
#4 Get a flawless running of the 5 most used plugins (urghhh har to decide)
This must be the minimum requirement to start a serious testing association group
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* If some of you good Osclass friend wants to help with the above,
please drop me a PM - and then we'll take it from there. -
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Concerning the name:
OsclassAs long as the domain is being used for test purposes, - who ,,
only-help,, Osclass -
I,ll pay,
if there is no longer need for it -
I accrue rights automatically goes to Osclass in Spain (
the Team)
- -
Regards.:/ s51