
Author Topic: [soon to be TIP] The affiliate cookie, a little help to make more money.  (Read 1120 times)


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I m not sure if its ethical or not. but I am very sure it will help all affiliates to make some more money. this is a cookie maker. works if your affiliate program injects a cookie into user to keep track of its affiliate. its only four line of code. Actually I did some search and found that this was a old plugin in wordpress.

If some one could help with how to use it for osclass. I am sure all affiliates could improve income. this will create a tiny iframe which opens your affiliate links o that your vistors need not click it. and if they buy in the stipulated time you earn commission.

Code: [Select]
Plugin Name: Affiliate Link Cookie Maker
Plugin URI:
Description: To make sure affiliate link cookies are activated upon page visit and not by link clicking. Put the shortcode in stead of a normal link <i>Use: [afflink url=&#38;#34;url&#38;#34; name=&#38;#34;name&#38;#34;]</i>
Version: 2.0.1
Author: Zafrira
Author URI:

$newlink '<a href="' $atts[url] . '" target="_blank">' $atts[name] . '</a>';
$embedder '<div style="width:1px;height:1px;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;z-index:-100;" id="Zafrira_AffiliateLinkMaker_Div"><iframe id="Zafrira_AffiliateLinkMaker_Frame" frameborder="0" src="' $atts[url] . '" style="width: 1px; height: 1px; margin: 0px;" scrolling="no" allowTransparency="true"> </iframe></div>';
return $newlink " " $embedder;

GOOD LUCK! Use it under your own discretion. Also pls help with how to use it for osclass.