
Author Topic: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]  (Read 8389 times)


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2014, 01:11:27 pm »
This is NOT an Osclass script.
Correct but that is not what was said, it is shown as a sample....'like'

Nevertheless, it would be very interesting to make the post process more a 1-2-3-step. This is however a THEME wish which is perfectly able to realise with current OsClass system. We only need somebody with good php / css skills and some knowledge of OsClass.

And to be able to fill all the specific attributes belonging to certain categories we would have to use the custom fields.

Would be nice to see a free theme with a 1 - 2 - 3 publish process....  8)


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2014, 03:44:19 am »
This is NOT an Osclass script.
Correct but that is not what was said, it is shown as a sample....'like'

Nevertheless, it would be very interesting to make the post process more a 1-2-3-step. This is however a THEME wish which is perfectly able to realise with current OsClass system. We only need somebody with good php / css skills and some knowledge of OsClass.

And to be able to fill all the specific attributes belonging to certain categories we would have to use the custom fields.

Would be nice to see a free theme with a 1 - 2 - 3 publish process....  8)
This is NOT an Osclass script.
Sorry but it's just my opinion, but maybe sometime I will try :)


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2014, 05:15:18 pm »
So, will Osclass have some basic SEO or not ?


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2014, 07:07:06 pm »
I can see where the endless possibilities would conflict.
for example,
@Aficionado, for my site I want SEO for the site not the advertiser. Rich snippets, and properly named categories is fine; however, it would be a good upscale for premium buyer to be able to override the sites seo with their own meta instead of the garbled stuff that is on it now. see attached. @_conejo, there is already a field for category descriptions- why is it not used?

absolutely whole heartedly agree that there should be a repost- because the ancient tinymce we have sucks for copy paste (to say the least)

agree about the custom fields organizer


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #19 on: February 17, 2014, 07:21:49 pm »
Quote from: Aficionado
Well if we had a Forum for that, i could. But we have not.

Yes, It's called UserVoice -->

I think you are complicating things, without the need to be complicated.

1. A user registers and wants to post his ad.

2. But his item must go within 10 days or so. He has NO way to select the ad duration or even close to his needs. An other user wants to post an ad for his service and select a long-time duration. He can't.
Yes, he could.
Please, check ItemForm::expiration_input() and ItemForm::expiration_select() functions
They wasn't added to the bender theme, but they're there.

Quote from: Aficionado
3. The user's ad is about to expire. He gets a notice about it. He must delete the ad and post it again. I don't really understand why he simply can't repost it. I don't see all those options you mention. Why different id ? Why limit how many times he reposts it ? Why all those complicated things.

Still, you didn't answer if the publication/modification date should be modified or not.
Why should the ID change? Because some people has already asked for it.
Again, we have heard very different opinions in this particular area, we let some space to people to create some plugins, afaik none exists yet, then we'll work on it.

Quote from: Aficionado
So, will Osclass have some basic SEO or not ?
As I already told you, yes, a person (expert or not, that's up to you), that knows more about SEO than any on the team is currently reviewing Osclass and making some suggestions


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2014, 07:25:37 pm »
I can see where the endless possibilities would conflict.
for example,
@Aficionado, for my site I want SEO for the site not the advertiser. Rich snippets, and properly named categories is fine; however, it would be a good upscale for premium buyer to be able to override the sites seo with their own meta instead of the garbled stuff that is on it now. see attached. @_conejo, there is already a field for category descriptions- why is it not used?

absolutely whole heartedly agree that there should be a repost- because the ancient tinymce we have sucks for copy paste (to say the least)

agree about the custom fields organizer

Just insert:
Use below in main.php, class=category
To activate category description:
<?php echo osc_category_description(); ?>

But you know that. I wonder why it is not already in the theme but I wonder lots of things..... :o



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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2014, 07:43:17 pm »
thats the thing now isn't it..

there are so many options available but are just left laying around the sink. some are used and some are not. there are a few of the forum people that know them all and do an outstanding job helping newbies discover them. is it to much to ask to have the I/0 in the admin - it is core isn't it??

Im not just talking about the descriptions either, what about the site stat on public side I have yet to see it not used on anyones site. or the tens of other helpers you have that are not available in admin, even if they are not used in the theme, there should at least be a "notion" that there is a possibility and should be further researched in the docs and forums.


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2014, 07:47:44 pm »
thats the thing now isn't it..

there are so many options available but are just left laying around the sink. some are used and some are not. there are a few of the forum people that know them all and do an outstanding job helping newbies discover them. is it to much to ask to have the I/0 in the admin - it is core isn't it??

Im not just talking about the descriptions either, what about the site stat on public side I have yet to see it not used on anyones site. or the tens of other helpers you have that are not available in admin, even if they are not used in the theme, there should at least be a "notion" that there is a possibility and should be further researched in the docs and forums.

I totally agree and it was our mistake, we develop Bender to be a nice-looking theme that could work for several sites but some options were not include in it. We're working to fix that, default theme would be not so pretty but it could gave you an idea of what it's possible with Osclass.


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2014, 07:56:06 pm »
as an aside...dont get me wrong, I don't mind filtering some of the easier posts in the forums - as I learn OSCLASS and this language and help the community, how else would we learn and grow!


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2014, 08:01:59 pm »
I can see where the endless possibilities would conflict.
for example,
@Aficionado, for my site I want SEO for the site not the advertiser. Rich snippets, and properly named categories is fine; however, it would be a good upscale for premium buyer to be able to override the sites seo with their own meta instead of the garbled stuff that is on it now. see attached. @_conejo, there is already a field for category descriptions- why is it not used?

There are not two SEOs. Or more.

Each and every website must have some basic things, in order to be indexed properly. Proper <TITLES> is the most important and Osclass doesn't do the job in that. I had to modify Jay's metaedit (?) to improve things.


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2014, 08:06:15 pm »
thats the thing now isn't it..

there are so many options available but are just left laying around the sink. some are used and some are not. there are a few of the forum people that know them all and do an outstanding job helping newbies discover them. is it to much to ask to have the I/0 in the admin - it is core isn't it??

Im not just talking about the descriptions either, what about the site stat on public side I have yet to see it not used on anyones site. or the tens of other helpers you have that are not available in admin, even if they are not used in the theme, there should at least be a "notion" that there is a possibility and should be further researched in the docs and forums.

No. Actually i think the Osclass team has already made his mind about how things should be. Osclass Usersvoice is a total joke but they insist to point people to it.

This is not good or bad, it happens to ALL developpers. They have their ideas and go to that direction. Sometimes the road is good, sometimes they get lost.

You can't (for example) talk about Expired Ads Repost, at version 3, and in year 2014.

In any case, i think the best thing to do is find a developer to make all the changes everybody needs.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 08:08:09 pm by Aficionado »


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2014, 09:44:04 pm »
@Aficionado, why is UserVoice a total joke? In the past, top voted ideas got included in Osclass


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2014, 10:20:54 pm »
Ok, here's my 2 cnts.

The latest out of the box version is not cutting it for the average 'user' which needs fixing, especially silly theme/language fixes. At least the Bender theme should be 100% out of the box for people wanting to really enjoy this great software.

Several functionalities like the expired ads and renewal option in it's most basic form are just so core there should never be a question about this in some user vote system. I have read about several simple implementations for this and postponing because there are so many options/wishes is no good reason to stay away from it. I understand OsClass is maturing so that will also count for renewal of expired ads but you have to start somewhere.

The helper functions are a great treasure (even if not all are used but available) and should not only stay but imo should be expanded with more and better theme 'plugins' so it is easier to create new and change existing themes, adding/changing functionality serviced from within the system.

What I really miss is a simple document explaining how OsClass is 'working / setup' looking at the folder structure and how processes are handled in the core and how this is 'communicating' with themes. The technical documentation is complete but rather 'plain' except for the 3rd party Akismet class description :)

I really wish I had a better understanding of the whole system including php and js but that's something I'll have to pick up myself mostly.....  :-X


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2014, 10:26:55 pm »
@Aficionado, why is UserVoice a total joke? In the past, top voted ideas got included in Osclass


1. It can EASILY be fooled/bypassed. EASILY. I can "push" something in there to the TOP IDEAS in a week.

2. The general structure of the service is a Joke (nothing to do with osclass but with uservoice).

3. MANY people here do not participate (for their reasons) to usersvoice.

4. You can't possibly chat seriously in there.

IMHO of cource. Apparently you highly like it, and you are the boss.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 10:28:36 pm by Aficionado »


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Re: IMPORTANT: No news is good news! [Current state of Osclass]
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2014, 10:36:34 pm »
IMHO of cource. Apparently you highly like it, and you are the boss.

I'm not the boss and I don't highly like it. I think it's better to sort ideas than the forum. I will be happily review and switch to any other (free) service/software. We reviewed 4-5 services at the time and choose it as the best of them.